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Hand China Office Building Carpet Tiles – China

HAND Enterprise Solutions (HAND) is a leading global software solutions provider working to deliver your IT strategy, ERP solution implementations and global technical support. Foxflor selects 100% solution dyed nylon for all carpets based on customer requirements to meet national fire protection standards. Through the different color combinations of the colorcube collection, we can show the vitality and brand of the company and bring employees passion and relaxation at work. The conference room uses nylon marbella collection. The high-quality carpet surface and color pattern combination bring a different visual impact.

Product: Colorcube 10, 15,17,18,21. Marbella 01, 02, 05 and Ecolines 05

Location: Shanghai, China

IInstall Area: Office Building Meeting Room, Corridor,

Project Time: 2023

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